CPR Plus gives you the ability to “dig” deeper. With this service we are able to not only uncover activity; we take it a step further with CPR Plus and verify activities through our proprietary methods. CPR Plus will expose in-depth information associated with the claimant’s internet history and daily routine, to include work status and activity verification. We only utilize experienced licensed investigators to search the deep web of your claimants through our “know-how” investigative methods. We are typically able to determine patterns in the claimants’ activity level, prior to initiating any further investigation allowing you to preserve your budget and settle your claims.
Some of the benefits you will get with CPR Plus:
- Extensive discreet interviews with sources
- Searches with Secretary of State
- Extensive detailed social network search
- Employment verification
- Social network monitoring
- Data mining
- Obtain specified reports, Fire, police or incident